How to Open a Locked Door Without a Key: Techniques Used by Locksmiths

Have you ever found yourself locked out of your home without a key? It’s a frustrating experience that can happen to anyone, but luckily, there are techniques that locksmiths use to open locked doors without a key. In this article, we’ll discuss some of these techniques and provide tips on how to prevent getting locked out in the first place.

Lock Picking

One of the most common techniques that locksmiths use to open locked doors without a key is lock picking. This involves manipulating the pins inside the lock using a set of specialized tools. With the right technique and tools, a locksmith can usually open a locked door within a few minutes. It’s worth noting, however, that lock picking requires a high level of skill and should only be attempted by a trained professional.

Bump Keys

Another technique that locksmiths use to open locked doors is using bump keys. These are specially cut keys that can be used to “bump” the pins inside the lock, causing them to temporarily align and allowing the lock to be turned. Bump keys are not difficult to make, which is why this technique is not always recommended as it could make your lock susceptible to break-ins.

Key Extractors

If a key is broken off inside the lock, locksmiths will use key extractors to remove the broken piece from the lock. This is a delicate process that requires specialized tools and expertise, but it is generally less invasive than drilling the lock.


If all else fails, a locksmith may need to resort to drilling the lock. This involves drilling a small hole into the lock and manually turning the mechanism inside to open the door. Drilling should be a last resort, as it can cause damage to the lock and door.

Preventing Getting Locked Out

Of course, the best way to avoid the need for a locksmith to open a locked door without a key is to prevent getting locked out in the first place. Some ways to do this include:

  • Always have a spare key and keep it in a secure location outside of your home.
  • Give a key to a trusted neighbor or family member.
  • Consider using a smart lock with keyless entry or a keypad.


Getting locked out of your home is never a pleasant experience, but by understanding the techniques that locksmiths use to open locked doors without a key, you can be prepared in case it ever happens to you. Just remember to always use caution when attempting to open a locked door, and consider taking steps to prevent getting locked out in the first place.


Q: How long does it take for a locksmith to open a locked door?

A: The amount of time it takes for a locksmith to open a locked door depends on the technique being used and the complexity of the lock. In some cases, a locksmith can open a locked door within a few minutes, while in other cases, it may take longer.

Q: Will a locksmith damage my door or lock?

A: In most cases, a locksmith can open a locked door without causing any damage to the door or lock. However, if the lock is damaged or faulty, the locksmith may need to drill the lock, which can cause damage.

Q: Can a locksmith open any type of lock?

A: A professional locksmith should be able to open most types of locks, including deadbolts, padlocks, and high-security locks. However, there may be some specialized locks that require specific tools or expertise.

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